User:Erase My Back Pain Review3

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Neither group knew which pills they'd received. Erase My Back Pain The Germans have really taken the results to heart. According to Karen DeFelice, German and Austrian teams training for the Olympics consume "millions of enzyme capsules." Dr. Cichoke says it's common for German prize fighters to take enzymes to prevent injuries and speed up recovery.

Drugs merely mask the pain, but enzymes get at the root cause and actually heal the underlying problem. The non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDS that most of us take for pain are not healing drugs. In fact, they can be very damaging, even fatal, if taken over the long-term, the way many arthritis patients do.

NSAIDs block our response to pain so we don't feel it, but do little or nothing to heal the pain or injury. Athletes have good reason to know this. Sure, they want to stop the pain, as most of us do but their most important goal is getting back on the field. When it comes to speeding up recovery, more and more athletes are finding that enzymes are clear winners over pain drugs.